Nearby Places 1
With restricted travel possibilities there are many local fens, bogs, limestone
hills etc. that yield interesting material when investigated closely. This area
(NP 1) between the Boyle River (a branch of the Shannon) and Lough Key
Forest Park has many small lakes. Surrounding land has a thin cover of peat
in most place with also a few deep bogs.
The Knockvicar Limestone lakes
We, like much of the World, have been limited in what we can do. We are based in Roscommon in North West
Ireland but the name of the Site does deliberately imply that we would like to explore Nature in other parts of
Western Europe. Apart from Britain, we have had little success in this — but check out our Orchids of the Chalk
study in SE England.
Relax Outdoors / Keep your Distance
Edvard Munch, "Adam og Eva", 1909. FOTO: Munchmusee
Image from:
NOW, with Covid 19 we are limited in time we can
spend outdoors and the distance we can travel. We
are proud of the way our Country has responded
but, like many, we seek activities to keep us alert
and healthy. Hence the study of Nearby Places. We
have identified 3 sites and are working on these:
This is the first of a series of visits to interesting or
beautiful places near where we live. The common
feature of this area west of Knockvicar, in north
Roscommon, is that they are all close to the Boyle River
and are all on underlying Limestone base which makes
the soil alkaline and increases fertility.
The Knockvicar Limestone Lakes
The south Bricklieve High Pastures
L. Gara’s Marsh and Fragrant Orchids
Why are we doing this?
Environmental health, mental health, physical health necessitates that we share, appreciate and enjoy the
outdoors. It is the WildWest way of getting through Covid! Others love to run or walk or do their gardens, if they
are lucky enough to have them. We like to explore, photograph and promote our landscape in a way that we
enjoy and which we hope may introduce others to the pleasures to be found in the quiet pursuit of Natural
History. The correlation between environment and health has never been so dramatic and we all hope that by
living quietly and avoiding spreading the Covid bug we may soon have our Country back again!
These lakes are very close to us and, typically, we have neglected them in our pursuit of the more glamorous
wildlife habitats such as The Burren (Clare) and the sea cliffs and and vast sandy beaches of Sligo. It is good to
spend time in your own place and it is amazing the amount of interesting places there are when you stop the car
at 5 or 20km rather than a 100km? Better for us and better for the countryside. We are less fatigued and have
more time in the fresh air and consume less resources.
Some of these Limestone Lakes (L. Key and Oakport Lough) are now much cleaner than in a ‘normal Summer’.
There is much less boat traffic and none by heavy Cruisers since the Covid lock down commenced in March.
Water quality has dramatically improved with holiday cruisers not in use and lakeside tourist facilities greatly
reduced. L. Key has, in certain areas, suffered badly from waste discharge into its water with the phosphate
content triggering potentially toxic Cyanophyceae blooms — this has not happened this year!
What is so special with this small area of North Roscommon?
Perhaps it is just home; the place where we bring the dog, where we walk routinely and see the passage of the
seasons — dramatic in the broad leave trees and not so obvious among the conifers. Full of pollen in the Spring,
these places can be restful and offer shelter during colder or wetter weather.
The lakes are small and hardly used commercially at all. The small lake above, Laundry Lake, is away from the
main walks and only infrequently will you meet people there. It is a pretty lake and we know little about it except
that it is settled on a strata of limestone, a small piece of which is visible in the above photograph.
Laundry Lake is home to a prolific fringe of reeds, Birch and Alder trees with little of the more useful (but less
attractive) commercial softwoods bordering the lake. The owners of the land are probably developing this area
more for social and environmental purpose than for the production of timber. A lot of the land may be too
marshy and we note that, as we write, some areas of poorly developing conifers are being removed. Hopefully,
they will not be replaced.
Laundry Lake
Wild Garlic, Canal leaving
L. Keel, and Bridge and Lock
built as part of the infra-
structure needed to manage
the Rockingham Estate in the
19th Century
Abundant young Bird Cherry plants line the
paths around Oakport Demesne Park.
Whilst on the shore of Oakport Lough this
bunch of the slightly rare Summer
Snowflake. This seems to be spreading down
the Boyle River as a large colony exists on a
mid-river island just downstream of Boyle.
Fin Lough
Fin Lough is an interesting lake about a kilometre west of the Oakport group and draining into L. Key as opposed to the Boyle River. It is more isolated, largely
undisturbed, and has more acidic influences even though the underlying limestone presence is evidenced by features such as a Crannog and a few raised rocky
habitats on the shore margin beloved by individual Scots Pine. Alongside the water outlet at the west end of the lake there are, again, several areas with peat build
up to 1m. similar to the much deeper turf beds to the north which are still being harvested.
Fin Lough is basically a fen with a tendency towards acidity, presumably, for the usual reason of high rainfall promoting sphagnum growth. So this lake has both
acid and basic loving plants. Among the latter are the typical fen plant, the Great Fen Sedge (Cladium mariscus). This and Marsh Orchids (Dactylorhiza incarnata spp)
and a pH of 7.7 confirm this lake as a fen — not too common in Ireland. Another famous fen is the Pollardstown Fen supplying water to the Grand Canal in Kildare.
That fen is also renowned for its populations of orchids, and its Saw Grass (another name for Fen Sedge) and the clear lime water characteristic of such lakes and
waterways — as seen under the bridge above.
Fin Lough looking
towards the setting sun
on a Spring evening. All
these its shores are
fringed with reeds,
sedges and then typically
Bog Myrtle starting to
colonise the tree fringes
as the site gets drier.
Limestone Lakes
Underlying all this country is a smooth slightly sandy blocky limestone. In the 19th Century this resource was used widely between two Demesne (pronounced ‘domains’) developed by people gifted land in return for their services
to the British Empire. However, these people left us a wealth of heritage, both natural and built, which survives today either intact, repossessed, or derelict. But the exploitation of the ubiquitous limestone bedding for walls etc.
made the rich mineral wealth of the rock available for lime loving plants and animals.. Also works of engineering both in Rockingham and Oakport Demesnes provides a glimpse of past history and a wealth of new habitats.
Lime everywhere…
This woodland is on the shore side of Fin Lough. Uncut limestone walls were often used to separate agricultural
land being cleared from nearby lakes or bogs. The walls here were probably an attempt to protect the enclosed
land from the consequences of flooding — at which it was singularly unsuccessful! The only long-term effective
development of the land was achieved by building a small bridge with a raised road on either side to facilitate
crossing at times when both the woods and the land were inundated by rising flood water.
Orchids growing in natural undisturbed settings.
Many orchids, but not all, are lime-loving plants and thrive in
Ireland on exposed or shallow limestone that makes up so much
of the country. They are equally happy growing on Chalk the other
lime rich rock that occurs so widely over south east England but
not found in Ireland. Many Marsh Orchids grow in wet or swampy
areas (fens) similar to bogs in Ireland — but they are drawing on
an alkaline substrate not far below.
The engineering tasks and
the walls that remain
standing, or broken down,
seem to have made a major
contribution to the local
environment in terms of
plant diversity and
abundance. Lime loving
plants now grow on the
walls and near where fallen
walls have led to lime
leaching into the sodden
soil making the pH more
attractive to more species.
In many locations the first
indication of a rich
substrate may be the
species present in the fields
and roadsides or growing in
the rubble or the actual
stone walls themselves. This
is quite a feat as not only
may they be overdosing in
lime but such plants need
to be tolerant of drying out.
This mixed wood is between the
lake shore and the protective
wall about 100m. further back.
It is a typical woodland of Birch
and Alder but with notably
stronger growth. Also there is a
good growth of that Irish native,
the Spindle (Euonymus
The Ivy-leaved Toadflax
(Cymbalaria muralis) is such a
plant. The ‘muralis’ refers to
walls with which it is always
associated. These grow along all
estate walls in both old
properties and are also typically
found on bridges or other dry
stony habitats. Whether they are
only found on lime… we aren’t
Not all limestone building and
soil enrichment is recent.
Many Irish lakes have
Crannogs in them which are
basically just a collection of
local boulders piled high to
raise a dwelling above the
level of winter flooding in
order to protect livestock or
Limestone Island: (LEFT)
This ‘island’’ on the south side of
Fin Lough may be a possible
Crannog, though it could
conceivably be a natural,
though infrequent, outcrop of
bedrock. It is presently used as
a base for fishing and at low
water it can easily be reached
from the shore.
A quick check using a
horticultural test kit indicates a
pH of about 8. Fens are typically
around pH 7.7 upwards.
Conditions in which sphagnum
grows in peat bogs can be as
acidic as pH4. This is much too
low for any calcium loving
plants to consider as home!
Early Purple Orchids
Colour variants…
Two spectacular Early Purples
(Orchis morio) from the Spindle
Wood (Far Left)
On the south side of the lake, in that
wood with the limestone walls, a
magnificent colony of Early Purple
Orchids in full flower were found on
the 10th May.
Early Purples are well known for
having a great variety of colours. but
they can be always be recognised by
having an upward pointing spur at the
back of each flower as seen in both
images. Apart from colour variants
the Early Purple Orchid is a very
consistent species with any change in
shape or appearance often reflecting
damage while growing...
Early Marsh Orchid
(Dactylorhiza incarnata spp.) was
found in among reeds and grasses
and Bog Myrtle on the less
developed eastern and northern
sides of Fin Lough.
Unfortunately this side of the lake
has been planted with commercial
conifers and, even more sadly,
Laurel and Rhodendron have made
a jungle out of the undergrowth.
These species are now migrating out
into the native north shore,
acidifying it as they go!
Bog Myrtle Myrica gale
The image (LEFT) shows a jumble of rocks,
many sharp edged indicating recent origin.
This Early Purple Orchid is scarce around
Fin Lough but does occur commonly in
certain selected places, near L. Keel canal,
in the woodland surrounded by limestone
walls, and on this isolated jumble of
limestone rocks. These provide the alkaline
base required to trigger successful
settlement of this species in this localised
In other parts of the lake where the surface
is acidified by sphagnum and where acid-
loving rhododendrons can grow, the Early
Purples are replaced by Marsh Orchids.
There seem to be multiple factors
controlling the exact habitat right for a
specific orchid species and the Early Purple
surprisingly must be one of the most
alkaline loving species growing, as it does,
all over The Burren and scarce around
other acidic shorelines. (L. Allen)
Sedges of Fin Lough, Knockvicar
This small fen has a complex flora with both acid and alkaline loving plants present. This reflects its underlying
limestone substrate very close to the surface in some places and the presence of a blanketing bog varying from
0.5m to over 2 m. in the surrounding areas. The larger beds of turf are presently being mechanically extracted
revealing the bedrock underneath and providing access to an alkaline habitat for such species as need it. e.g.
Fragrant and Common Orchids. Other plants like Marsh Orchids benefit from the acid covering, and the wet
margins of the lake, and flower in good numbers in certain parts of the lake.
However, it is the pattern of occurrences of Sedges, that must singularly reflect the alkaline conditions around
the lake and it is why this lake is known as a Fen. We list many of the local Sedges (and Rushes) and indicate
where and what conditions they need to thrive. Some of these are rare plants by and large restricted to fen
habitat. This habitat is not common in Ireland and, perhaps the most famous one is Pollardstown Fen in Kildare.
Greater Tussock Sedge, Carix paniculata RIGHT
This sedge is widespread and forms the larger tussocks in the middle to upper flood levels around the lake. It is a tussock
forming Sedge with heights up to 2m. and offers a good base for other plants such as Phragmites.
Carex paniculata develops its tussocks by producing side shoots around the edges of individual plants especially at the
periphery of the tussock. Some tussocks will have many flowering heads . The one shown is a good example. The
reproductive stalk can be traced all the way down to ground level and will have c. 5 - 10 accompanying leaves. The
flowering stem itself is very tall and thin and relies on a hard triangular cross section to keep the cluster of heads erect.
Detail of this Sedge:
This plant produces 2 or 3
flowering heads on top of the
single triangular flowering stalk.
The large leaf showing is a
Phragmites reed growing on the
tussock but the narrower
darker green leaves are the
Greater Tussock Sedge. These
leaves are flattened but with
clever ‘reinforcing’ along the
edges and middle crease to give
strength to the gentle hanging
appearance of the tussock.
Limestone Hillocks:
Small low dry ‘islands’ occur around the edges
of the lake. This one (LEFT) appears natural and
provides a ready refuge for trees and bushes,
particularly the Bog Myrtle which expands and
reclaims land drying out around these bases.
They also provide a secure base for mature
trees whereas most of the commercial tree
planting around the lake is simply growing on
the peat layer. The other ‘island’ described
above has a similar effect but has much
tumbled fractured limestone slabs maybe
indicating recent man made formation?
Great Fen Sedge Cladium mariscus RIGHT
A large sedge associated with the fens in England. In
Ireland its stronghold would be Pollardstown Fen in
Kildare. It is not common but dispersed in central
and western Ireland wherever limy water is found.
Pollardstown Fen is a well known location and the
high point feeding water into The Grand Canal. It is
a large plant of 2.5m and grows in alkaline rich lake
shores and boggy areas. In the image (RIGHT) a
patch of this sedge in Spring is defined by its typical
orange colour. It always occurs in discrete patches,
often associated with Marsh Orchids reflecting its
water and nutrient requirements.
LEFT: Great Fen Sedge leaf edges:
An important characteristic of this sedge is its startling hard leaves with reinforcing in the form of teeth along
its central fold and both edges. Freshly grown new leaves in early Summer may develop highly dangerous
edges which can cause serious injury particularly to children.
Far Left: Sedge Flowering Head:
In early June these flowers are hard to find but they grow rapidly as the plant puts on a spurt of growth. These
plants were about 1.2m on the 5th of June. They are a good species to examine later in the year to so as
understand the ‘sedge format’. People often consider Grasses, Rushes and Sedges together. These Sedges
have strong round hollow flowering stems with stalks bearing open clusters emerging at the upper leaf joints.
Flowers are simple in sedges and may be single sex or both. We are not sure of the details of the Great Fen
Sedges normally are smaller grass-like plants with solid, often triangular flowering stalks but this one
has massive hollow round stalks and corrugated leaves — great engineering!
Other varied Sedges…
Grasses and Rushes
Here we include some other non-sedges that are either rare and beautiful or
important or significant players in limestone country with an overlay of bog forming
vegetation. Because of climate, present and past, many unused areas of land on a
lime or glacial substrate will still go on to generate peat based on the high level of
rainfall and the generally mild climate. Fens occur often where springs enter at the
bottom of glacially scraped hollows on limestone and this remains their main source
of water for millenia. As Rose* points out, Rush flowers are essentially similar to Lily
and Tulip flowers but clustered together in tight heads. (* Francis Rose. The Wildflower
Key 1981) is a very detailed and technical work still available in some good Book
Shops.) The Toad Rush (BELOW) is a good example of these flowers…
Crested Dogstail
Cynosurus cristatus. a very slender tall
elegant grass with delightful tiny pink
flowers in Summer. Found in numbers
around the lakes and in cleared land.
Black Bog-Rush Schoenus nigricans
A bit of a west of Ireland specialty widespread on moors,
waste ground and bogs. Peat or marshes with a hard
calcareous layer under about 1m. of bog occur nearby but
we haven’t determined if this is the case at L. Finn
Soft Rush Juncus effusus
Early stage in the growth of this rush. The flowers are still
yellow but recognisable if you enlarge this picture. Damp
land or sloping fields in a wet climate. Can grow to 1.5m.
(BELOW) Lesser Tussock Sedge Carex diandra
One of the rarer sedges in this locality. It can vary from having a
large tight spike to separate individual glumes as it matures. It
has a very thin concave triangular stem noticeably greyer than
its ridged corrugated leaves. It is a circumpolar species
widespread in Ireland but declining in Britain due to drainage. It
can be found in fen carr but also tolerates acid conditions.
Bottle Sedge Carex rostrata A very striking sedge in June when
the glumes are maturing. It grows from a rhizome as a perennial
and is widespread. Stems are 3 sided and this plant can form tall
clusters. It is common to see it in this condition — grazed tidily as
far as the fruit by Deer!
Remote Sedge Carex remota A ‘grassy’ looking sedge forming
dense rounded very bright green tussocks in wet areas and
woodland margins. Perennial with small rhizomes. The spikelets
are very far apart on long stems. The lowest one is the only one to
carry a bract which is very long and makes the clump look grassy.
Yellow Sedge C. demissa pH tolerant, this small yellow sedge is
abundant in the Fin Lough marshes and Fen. Grows alongside
Great Fen Sedge (an alkaline loving plant). In June the many
heads are bright yellow and strongly spiked. Jaunty flowers with
stem and bract issuing at sharp angles at each head.
Carnation Sedge C. panicea Not abundant
but fairly widespread in these fens, this
small small sedge produces alternating
female catkins distinctly lime and chocolate
coloured ‘eggs’ with just one male catkin.
Tufted Sedge C. elata
A graceful busy sedge
forming large tussocks
up to 1m. near water.
Initially the stalks are
upright but gradually as
they mature and fruits
develop they droop
towards the water
providing very popular
perches for Damsel Flies.
Fruits are green but lack
the hairs of the Common
Sedge. A very important
species of these fens,
lake shore, and other
limestone base habitats.
Toad Rush Juncus bufonius
A weedy little annual plant found on lake shores, muddy
tracks, etc. Included here to show the flowers of Rushes. These
share a ‘grass-like’ form but as Francis Rose points out, their
flowers are similar to Tulips.
Creeping Bent Agrostis stolenifera (Panel BELOW)
This branching feathery Bent started to flower here in May in fine but windy
weather. The flowering head of one large plant (1.2m) was brought into the
shelter of a polytunnel to try and get a steady image. The flowers developed
over the next few days. We could confirm identification if there was an index
to Grass flowers!
But it is a beautiful and frequent ground spreading (i.e with a stolon) plant of
previously cleared land . Species chosen to illustrate grass flowers.
Close-up images of this Grass:
These three files are from the same plant. Our identification is from the image
on LEFT and could be subject to correction. Also our Magnifying Glass link is not
so strict as normal. There are slightly larger images available but possibly not
clearer. Do have a look…
The Marsh Orchids:
Finally, and with some relief, back to the more familiar Marsh Orchids. Early stages of these orchids, and the Early Purple Orchids, are shown at the top
of the page. These species both thrive in alkaline fens with acid compost developing on a shallow cover of peat — as in the limestone lakes and ponds
studied here. The images (BELOW) are from early June when the Marsh Orchids of Fin Lough suddenly burst into flower in good numbers. These are
an attractive but particularly short flowering species this year, as the site was unusually dry. Other orchids nearby, such as the Small White Orchids of
the Bricklieve Mountains to the north, have also suffered a shortened flowering season exposed to sun and wind. We hope we have got some good
images of the Marsh Orchids. The white specimens in particular were very prone to dropping petals.
Early Marsh Orchid
Dactylorhiza incarnata incarnata
Dactylorhiza incarnata
Marsh Orchids are often classified using a trinomial
format. All these specimens are, we believe, a taxon
known as incarnata. Other (older) nomenclatures are
used in various parts of the world.
For example :
Dactylorhiza incarnata incarnata (this subspecies)
Might also be referred to as… D. incarnata.
We tend to refer to them familiarly in the binomial
format. Separation and identification of subspecies often
requires genetic fingerprinting whereas many of the
phenotypes one comes across can consistently be
recognised and grouped by differences in appearance.
Colour variation:
The Marsh Orchids as a group and, in particular, the
D. incarnata form are notorious for colour variation from
purple to bright red to pink to canvas color and (of
course) white as shown here. All specimens here are of
the same species.
The Photographs:
All images shown on the right are from Fin Lough. They
are known as Early Marsh Orchids. They tend to be tall
and straight, but easily bent plants with a broad diamond
shaped labellum.
The stems are thin as are the long leaves which are
sturdy enough and wrapped around the stem. This
separates this form from from the Narrow Leaved Marsh
Orchid (D. i. traunsteinerioides) typical of even more limy
areas such as the Burren, Marl lakes etc.
Different Horses…
Never trust an Orchid; we thought we had this job done! All the orchid pictures above this heading
were taken around the 5th of June. They were already starting to wither in the very hot sun at that
time. These plants were very shrunken and brown at our next visit.
LEFT and Right
both images 18th June 2020
A spontaneous quick visit en passsant surprised us with the specimens shown here. The colour
variation in both groups is similar with approximately half of specimens examined being pure white,
i.e. no labellum markings even. These plants had obviously emerged and flowered within the past 5
days and had certain qualities different from the earlier group. Is this just down to weather changes
and the end of a long drought, or are the differences observed significant?
The fact that they are growing in the same location and have the
same pattern of magenta and white plants leads one to suspect
they are the same plant assemblage. Further investigation is
RIGHT Annaghmore Lake orchids
Another group of Marsh Orchids was observed on the south side of
Annagmore Lake near Elphin on the 14th and 27th June. This is a marl
lake, very dry at the time of first visit. On the north shore alongside the
road in deep rushes and sedges a dispersed colony of Marsh Orchids
have been studied. Mostly they are tall and thin and growing in tussocks
among rushes Two groups of orchids were emerging a few weeks apart
with the newer ones possibly being D. traunsteinerioides with its thin
form and very long narrow leaves or an incarnata x traunsteinerioides
hybrid. All specimens observed were ‘normal’ colour differentiating
themselves from the Fin Lough group!
This Marl Lake group were also well past their flowering prime (on 14th
June) and it seems likely that they flowered at about the same time as
the initial group recorded at Fin Lough. Indeed we have records of
Marsh Orchids starting to flower there at the end of May when they
were eaten by deer. Exceptional weather conditions in Ireland at that
stage probably brought on this early flowering.
An early emerging
Marsh Orchid
photographed on
the 7th May.
When last seen it
had been eaten
by Deer but the
emerging lower
bud was still
There are three small lakes clustered close together, as part of the old Oakport
Demesne, west of The Boyle River (a branch of The Shannon) and south of L. Key.
Laundry Lough
Derreen Lough, and
Black Lough
We would also include Oakport Lough (nearby on the Boyle River) and Loughs Fin
and Keel in the L. Key Forest Park… All these lakes have one thing in common;
they occur in a low lying swathe of country that uniformly has a base of
Carboniferous Limestone, appropriately named the Oakport Limestone
Formation. This lies close to the surface and is almost horizontal.
The presence of a limestone substrate is key to the abundant flora and the
presence of some interesting lime loving orchids. In some areas there is a coating
of acid loving plants and thin layers of peat — thicker turf beds are harvested
Below LEFT:
Dog Rose
Rosa canina
Red Campion
Silene diooica
A beautiful partner in a deep green wood
––for the ubiquitous Bluebells
BELOW: Heath Milkwort Polgala serpillifolia
Found in among pine needles in forest beside Fin Lough
Compact Rush RIGHT
Juncus conglomeratus
Widespread on hilly
rough and marshy land
with mainly acid
conditions. It produces
one fruiting body. The
straight extension
above the fruit is a
bract separated by a
““Please note, as usual,
many of these images
are backed up with
larger images which
show the detail we
discuss much more
clearly. So just
remember to click
where you see the
Magnifying Glass”
What Lakes?
A tumble of Limestone.
BELOW: Two of the numerous
Early Purple Orchids growing on
a limestone Island.
Some Local Flowering plants:
“Sedges have
Rushes are
Grasses are
Right up from
the ground.”