Click on Images where you see this symbol.
Near here and to the West…
… lies a small shallow meandering lake with low lying shores of grasses, rushes,
bogland and good farm land. Whatever the nature of the shore it is universally gently
sloping into the water, sometimes almost flat. It’s strange the way we take the local for
granted; it’s like we don’t have a regard for it as it forms the background to our lives. But this area contains an SAC, mainly for winter birds and, if you know the times and
places, also holds very large numbers of extremely attractive orchids. Mainly, two varieties of Fragrant Orchids and several forms of Marsh Orchids appearing in order as
they are early or late varieties. This page focuses on these orchids
Lough Gara: west of Home!
Best site for Marsh and Fragrant orchids!
June 30, 2021
The Marsh Orchids (Dactylorhiza spp)
The images scattered around the top of this page represent Marsh Orchids ‘collected’ (photographically) from L. Gara in June
2021. There were 412 plants recorded from several large clumps mainly on the eastern side of the lake where large reed
beds are not so prevalent.
As can be seen there are a wide variety of factors at play in classifying these species. The only thing we are sure about is the
variety! Identification can be based on:
Colour of flower. Much care has been used to match actual colour (from mauve to red) to prevailing lighting conditions.
Leaf variation… from long and thin to broad and sturdy but all strongly keeled.
Flower density from being tall and packed to a more open see through structure with fewer florets.
Labellum shape is important, some being long and thin (LEFT); others with a broad triangle with inward curving edges. (RIGHT)
Two tall broad leaved
plants emerging slightly
later than the earlier
flowering plants at the
start of this page. They
both share the broad lip,
the dense tangled bracts
and the upper stem
starting to turn purple
(D. purpurella?)
A smaller plant with a much more open
structure to the flower and tapering longish
spurs. The dispersed (rather than dense)
nature of the spike can be easily seen. The
loose structure is more evident along with
the general purple colouring of the upper
stem and bracts.… This may be Pugsley’s
Marsh Orchid
The photographs (BELOW) are mainly from 2019 (Pre-COVID!) but from a field adjacent to the Marsh Orchids photographed in 2021 at the top of this page. They are reported together because they both contribute to
making this place excellent Orchid Country. They are not closely related and do not flower at the same time.
There are three species of Fragrant Orchid but the majority of the images show the Marsh Fragrant Orchid, the biggest of the 3 species. Distinguishing features are as follows.:
colour of flower. Not as variable as the Marsh Orchids but gentler variation through the red/purple spectrum with occasional totally white specimens.
leaf variation… universally narrow and long up to 8 or 9 in number.
flower density from being tall and packed to a more open see through structure with fewer florets. In a mature plant this will be very clear but opening flowers can be loose. Dense tall flowers identify the Marsh Fragrant Orchid
Labellum and sepals are important with the width versus the depth of the floor helping identification. Sepals may be horizontal or drooping and labellum may have distinct lobes or more curved and variable shape.
Not rare but Beautiful:
The species we are talking about in this western limit of North Roscommon are not as rare or as vulnerable as some of the species found in other
surrounding habitats. Both the Marsh and Fragrant Orchids can occur in large numbers if conditions are right and for both these groups the right
conditions mean being dependent on adjacent water and on, or above, the waterline for most of the flowering season..
Marsh Orchid Varieties: The Marsh Orchids (ABOVE) are dominated by one particular species (Dactylorhiza purperella) but in preparing this page it
has become evident that there are several variations (species) present. We are not experts in Marsh Orchids! Around L. Gara in 5 sites we have
recorded 412 specimens and there were clearly some more we have not been able to reach.
They all share a fondness for water — but not too much of it. The very tall specimens grow near, or in, water though they also prefer to be secure in
raised tussocks should their feet get too wet! This means they have a limited tolerance for submergence during the flowering season. On one north
facing shore either side of the Boyle River Bridge on the Island Road the same population has different distribution depending on the slope of the
ground. If the ground lowers rapidly into the lake, the plants will be found in a linear pattern along the shore just like Spiranthes romanzoffiana in Mayo
lakes — and for the very same reason! If the site is almost flat Marsh Orchids will be randomly distributed or else distributed along a water channel or
a wetter part of marshy land.
Fragrant Orchid Varieties: These occur very close to one of the main Marsh Orchid groups on the northern shore of L. Gara. Again, their occurrence
is dominated by one species though the other two may also be present. Lough Gara is a marl lake but the marl and any onshore limestone is well
buried, so the conditions for the Chalk Fragrant Orchid are less suitable. The main colony is in a small paddock between farmland and the lake shore
and the marshy ground may limit the effect of an alkaline substrate under the soil.
The dominant species seems to be the Marsh Fragrant Orchid (Gymnadenia denisflora) a dense flowered tall growing form of Fragrant Orchid. The
Heath Fragrant Orchid (G. borealis) is more northern and hilly and has not been seen at this site.
For further information on Fragrant Orchids we have prepared a diagnostic guide HERE which may be of some help and also a Link to a very
interesting report on many exotic Orchids, including one particularly clear Fragrant Orchid identification section full of revealing sketches. (Read
MORE) This is a truly amazing site ranging from Biology to Physics to Space (and beyond).
Two views of Early Marsh Orchid (D. incarnata) showing
strong ribbed bright green leaves, tall flowers with all the
spots on the lip neatly confined inside a defined fence with
pale pink unspotted borders around edge of labellum.
A collection of Orchids gathering around a wet
spot and showing the variety of colour from
scarlet to purple that a single form of Marsh
Orchid may show!
A tall mature purplish narrow
leaved specimen with serried
ranking of florets, sharing the
typical labellum shape of many
plants observed at this site.… The
narrow leaves suggest Pugsley’s
but this flower-head is very tight
and organised.
Lough Gara
A large shallow lake surrounded by flat farm land
with many branches and indents and a smaller
lake to the south which drains northwards into
the part of the lake shown here. This in turn exits
via the Boyle River to the nearby Lough Key and
then on to merge with the Shannon and
eventually discharge into the sea at Limerick.
The areas that flood and the adjoining farms and
small woodlands provide much sheltered marshy
edges and undisturbed rough grass shores
where many of our orchids grow.
ZONE A: Many Hundreds of Marsh Orchids
grow in L. Gara depending on conditions. 200 in
this area alone this year.
ZONE B: A very small paddock between the high
water lake level and farmland are also home to a
dense growth of Fragrant Orchids.
The Fragrant Orchids (Gymnadenia densiflora)
from Pink to Lavender!
Marsh Fragrant Orchid Gymnadenia
Height alone is enough to identify this
species. That and the densely packed
spikes. It is also found in fens (such as
Pollardstown) and lime rich wet fields.
The individual flower proportions are
significant too. (See the sketches
reproduced HERE in our Fragrant Orchid
page.) Each floret can be viewed as wider
than long as in the example above. But
there is variation in the lips too.
The labellum shape does vary with the
image (LEFT) showing 3 distinct lobes
whereas the specimens above have a
wide flower but with a pointed lip though
a lobe is still present.
These are early stage flowers and may
not seem so dense but as they mature
the flower spike fills up. The cheeky
horizontal ‘wings’ (lateral sepals) are held
Dubious specimens:
Small or young plants were
numerous at the time these
photographs were taken.
These two have certain
different characteristics but
we still categorise them as
‘young’ densiflora.
The flower (LEFT) has wider
florets, a slightly downward
angled sepals, and a
‘blousey’ labellum.
However the appearance
and position of lips and
sepals varies with age, wind
and how squashed the
emerging flowers may be.
For example, the specimen
(RIGHT) is well spaced but
shows florets with both a
distinct ‘blocky’ tongue as
well as rounded lower lip
with lobe less distinct? The
flower shapes change as
they mature?
Marsh Fragrant Orchid
Gymnadenia densiflora
This is an example of
this species in its full
glory, growing up at
the sheltered ditch
area along the
northern edge of the
It is towering above all
the vegetation and has
a magnificent densely
backed flowering head
— a typical ‘densiflora’
standing proud
against a cloudy sky.
We didn’t measure its
height but just recall
that we had to hang
back some distance to
get the whole plant in
Could this be a Chalk Fragrant
Probably not! It does share
some of the casual qualities of
that group, like the sparse
flowering on the lower part of
the spike, and the very long
and deeply curved spurs.
However the lateral sepals do
not hang downwards though
they do in the specimen
presented on the LEFT!
Both of these plants have
different lips with one being
rounded and blousey with an
unclear central lobe. The plant
on the Right has a pointed
lower edge to its labellum and
also shows a tendency to
rolling in its lateral sepals.
This can be seen by enlarging
image (RIGHT) and looking at
sepals positioned edge on to
the camera. There is a
narrowing at the tip of the
sepals and they do form a
distinct semicircle at the end of
each sepal?
To finish…. just a very pleasing selection of Marsh Fragrant Orchids in one of their (and our) favourite places
around Lough Gara. Of course, these are perfumed, and that is beautiful, but as to describing it and classifying
the species on that basis, we will leave that to your imagination — and your nose!
Boyle River
“Ireland's Wild Orchids
Through the rain stained glass,
With a sickly purple hue,
I can see early marsh orchid,
And it makes me think of you.
The gardener's son
Is looking at it too,
His sickly grey suit
Makes me think of you.
I was not born a bog child,
I was only passing through,
The Irish Lady's Tresses
Made me think of you.”
Perfectly observed by
The Irish Lady’s Tresses referred
to above is, of course, Spiranthes
romanzoffiana found in western
lakes of Mayo and next in Season
to flower. (MORE)